Fun and games in your first home! Thanks to its harmonious and trendy color scheme, the Evo Friends house is an eye-catcher in any garden. Thanks to its roof height of 1.60 m, the extremely spacious playhouse is not only the perfect play place for toddlers from about three years old, but also great for older children. At the front of the house, visitors are welcomed by the entrance door with peephole, and at the back of the house there is an additional half door that can be used as a secret passage. Six windows and two shutters that swivel 360 degrees provide great views and plenty of opportunities for play. When the letter carrier comes, he can drop the mail in the functional mailbox next to the front door; it can be opened and closed with a small key.
The versatile garden house can be supplemented as desired with many playful accessories. The separately available additional equipment includes a compact summer kitchen, a picnic table, a rain gutter, a parasol, a doorbell or a portable solar lamp.
The house facade made of easy-to-clean plastic has a wood and stone look and looks particularly high-quality. The individual plastic parts of the playhouse are easy to assemble thanks to the well thought-out plug-in connections with the included plastic screws, and the connections can be released just as easily. Made of UV-stable plastic, it is especially resistant to weather for long-lasting rich colors.
Product details:
The house comes in three individual packages.
Product dimensions (LxWxH): 175.4 x 114.3 x 162 cm.
For children from 3 years.

Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard!

Guten Abend,
wir besitzen bereits dieses Haus und suchen als Geburtstagsgeschenk den Picknicktisch in grün und die passende Sommerküche in beige, aber nicht die Life Variante, da diese heller ist. Besteht die Möglichkeit die alte Variante bei Ihnen noch zu kaufen?
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Très belle maison
La maison est très belle, les détails sont jolis, comme les oiseaux, les papillons et les escargots...
Cooles Spielhaus
Wir haben uns für das Evo Friends Spielhaus entschieden, weil wir die Größe super finden. Unsere Tochter wird hoffentlich mehrere Jahre ihre Freude damit haben. Qualitativ super! Und jederzeit mit Zubehör erweiterbar.