Role-playing games for children

    Von Katrin F.

Children's role-playing games - what types are there?

Fight a duel as a brave knight in shining armor, explore the universe in a spaceship or dance as a princess at a glamorous ball: anything is possible
In addition to the extremely imaginative game scenarios, there are of course also role-playing games for children that have more to do with "normal" everyday life. The classics include, for example, games that focus on family life, going to the doctor or shopping in the supermarket.

In this article, we would like to illustrate the great added value of role-playing games and introduce you to some inspiring role-playing ideas for children.

What significance do role-playing games have for children and why are they important?

Most children start playing simple role-playing games on their own around the age of three. Slipping into other roles and acting out situations seems to be something they were born with and is a lot of fun. But the purpose of games of this kind goes far beyond this.
Role play can enable children to move more confidently in everyday situations and master them with self-assurance.
Against this background, role play can also be seen as a kind of creative "dry run" to prepare for similar situations in real life.

An example to illustrate this: A child sitting at the electronic  Smoby supermarket checkout and imitating the sales clerk plays through the situation of a purchase. It interacts with the "customers", perhaps tries its hand at negotiating and, last but not least, trains its mathematical skills. It also approaches the topic of "shopping" in a playful way, which will be useful to it at the latest when it wants to pay at the checkout independently for the first time when shopping with its parents.

What do role-playing games encourage in children?

The answer to the question "What do role-playing games promote in children?" is extensive. Because: Role play influences children's development in many ways It gives your child, for example, the opportunity to put scenarios from their imagination into practice, to get to know different facets of themselves and to develop new ideas independently. Let's take a brief look at the skill areas and competencies that role play can have a positive impact on for children:

  • Social behavior
  • Collaborative skills
  • Communication and language skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Cognition
  • Problem-solving thinking
  • Conflict resolution
  • Imagination, fantasy and creativity
  • Confidence and independence

Let's take a closer look at the three areas of development that are particularly well addressed in role-playing games for children:

Promotion of social skills

Social skills include skills that are important in interpersonal interactions, such as empathy and sensitivity, interpersonal communication and the ability to cooperate. Since role-playing games are often played by several children together, they are an excellent tool for promoting these important skills.

By discussing ideas with their teammates, responding to their needs and wishes, expressing their own ideas and ultimately experiencing a joint implementation of what has been discussed, your child gains experience with group dynamics and "teamwork". They learn to put themselves in their fellow human beings' shoes, to engage in discussions and to find compromises when necessary. Of course, there may be times when this doesn't happen straight away and a conflict arises. Then your child can expand their conflict skills and learn to deal with differences of opinion and disputes in a goal-oriented way.

In this context, your child will also deal with the emotions of their fellow players and their own emotional world. How does it feel when your own idea is praised by the other players? How does the player whose idea nobody liked feel? And what feelings might the person in whose role the child is currently playing have? These and similar topics can be explored in more detail and are another reason why role-playing games are considered a valuable tool for children to support their social and emotional development.

Promoting cognitive and linguistic development

In the broad area of cognition, role-playing games also contribute to age-appropriate development. The many freedoms that are usually given in role-playing games, for example, encourage children to develop and pursue their own ideas. In addition, role-playing games - especially those with several players - can promote critical thinking and sharpen problem-solving skills.

Parallel role play motivates children to expand their language skillsAfter all, role play usually involves talking to each other. By slipping into other roles, your child may use words that they don't use much or at all in everyday life, thereby expanding their vocabulary. For example, you can start a great role-playing game for children that promotes language skills with the  Smoby Restaurant Chef Corner play kitchen. Your child can be a chef and waiter in one. It takes your order, answers questions about the dishes, prepares the food and, of course, wishes you a good appetite.

Promoting creativity

It goes without saying that role play supports children in their creative development.

In role play, the boundaries that limit your child's ability to follow their imagination in everyday life are overridden. 
This allows your child to fully exploit the potential of their imagination and try out things that they wouldn't dare to do "in real life". Of course, playing with peers can also lead to a creative exchange in which the kids can inspire each other.

Role play ideas for children

Whether role-playing games for kindergarten or elementary school, these versatile games for children are always characterized by their creative, imaginative character and the almost endless play possibilities they open up. Thanks to their diversity, role-playing games appeal to children of different ages and are not just entertaining and educational for three-year-olds. In the following, we would like to introduce you to some role-playing ideas for children that will inspire kids at school and nursery as well as at home. Feel free to use our ideas as inspiration, modify them or develop them further to create your own unique role-playing experiences.

Doctor role play for children: learning, helping and healing

Doctor role-playing games can take the horror out of a visit to the doctor and arouse the curiosity of many kids. Equipped with doctor toys & accessories, your child can examine their little patients, make diagnoses and start treatments that will alleviate fictitious ailments in no time. The  doctor's case contains everything a real young doctor needs: With a thermometer, stethoscope, plasters and more, nothing stands in the way of a thorough examination. Want something even more realistic? Then our  doctor trolley is just the thing for you: thanks to the electronic ECG and sound effects, kids will feel like real lifesavers!

Doctor role-playing games give you the opportunity to teach your child basic health-related knowledge in an age-appropriate way and teach them to treat other people with empathy and care. Finding the right treatment trains your child's problem-solving skills as part of the game content, while handling the examination instruments trains fine motor skills.

Detective - Solve the mystery

Kids who are enthusiastic about secrets, riddles and mysteries love detective role-playing games. 

In terms of development, the focus is on concentration, observation, problem-solving and logical thinking. After all, a good detective has to be on the lookout so as not to overlook any clues or important details, and combine cleverly in order to draw the right conclusions. How about giving the detective role-playing game for children a certain framework by constructing a child-friendly case and hiding "real" clues? Perhaps you could take the game outside and send the little detectives on a search for clues in the garden or park. You could then incorporate existing outdoor toys and leave clues in the sandpit, for example, or hide clues in the garden shed.

Everyday life/household - On the road as a "little adult"

Role play does not necessarily have to include unusual, extremely imaginative content to be fun and stimulating
Many children like to play out situations from everyday life, imitating their parents and teachers, for example. 

With Children's kitchens & accessories and Household toys & accessories from Smoby, your child can immerse themselves in the world of adults and imitate scenes that they observe every day.

When cleaning with the  cleaning trolley, vacuuming with the  Rowenta Air Force vacuum cleaner or sweeping with the Smoby  cleaning set, children can put their dexterity to the test and playfully get to grips with taking on household chores.

This classic form of role play for kindergarten and primary school children can be expanded to include another component: shopping. With Smoby role-play toys from the shop & accessories category, your child can take over the checkout and practice arithmetic in the role of cashier.  

School - For all those who can hardly wait to start school

In order for role-playing games to captivate children, they have to fit in with what is currently on the kids' minds. For some kindergarten children, this is school. The imminent start of school can be associated with certain worries for children, but often there is also unbridled anticipation involved. Your child can wonderfully address and process both in a role-play game - preferably with suitable utensils, as you can find at Smoby under School & accessories. Of course, you can also incorporate some specific learning content into the school role play to prepare for school.

Young craftsmen - toolbox

If role-playing games develop children's motor skills as well as their problem-solving skills and convey an understanding of technical contexts, they are probably role-playing games for craftsmen. When working on the large Black+Decker Workbench Center from Smoby, your child will learn how to handle various tools and use their hands skillfully. With this and other products from our store category Children's workbenches & accessories, they can pursue their passion for crafts in an age-appropriate and safe way.

Mini beauty gurus - make-up tables for the children's room

The make-up tables and accessories from Smoby offer your child a wonderful platform for creative role play and support their development in a variety of ways. By slipping into the role of adults who put on make-up and style themselves, your child not only expands their imagination and creativity, but also develops their fine motor skills and their understanding of aesthetics. These playful experiences give them self-confidence and a positive self-image. Doing their hair, painting their nails and admiring themselves in the mirror: The  My Beauty play make-up table makes it possible! This transforms young children into great stylists.

Superhero - Saving the world

Could your child use an extra dose of courage and self-confidence? Then turn them into a superhero in a creative role-playing game. Superhero role-play ideas for children typically involve challenges that the hero faces and overcomes with flying colors.

It's clear: When role-playing games let children save the world, self-confidence and courage can only develop in a positive way.

Conclusion: Role-playing games for children

Role-playing games can entertain children, but also effectively encourage and support their development. In order for role-playing games to arouse children's interest, they should address topics that excite or occupy the child and offer enough room for imagination.

In addition, accessories make role-playing games more exciting and captivating for children. 
With role-play toys, your child can empathize even better with other roles and implement creative play scenarios to the maximum - a real enrichment! Of course, there are numerous other toys to discover at Smoby that will enrich playtime. 
Look around our shop and see our varied range for yourself. 

Katrin F.
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10 months ago